Contemplating The End of Our Days (#699) | The God Journey Contemplating The End of Our Days (#699) | The God Journey

Contemplating The End of Our Days (#699)

What happens when you begin to count your days by how many of them you have left? Last week, Wayne was in South Carolina with his friend, Bob Stamps, and they took time out from their work on Bob's book to talk about contemplating our own mortality, not in the morbid sense of dread, but in a way that makes us wiser about the days we have yet to live. In their conversation, they talk about regrets, lessons they have learned and how they view their dying day, whenever it should come. (Note: This was recorded outdoors on the shores of Lake Jocassee, so please forgive the occasional noise from passing watercraft.)

Podcast Notes:
Previous Podcasts with Bob Stamps
Wayne's Blog on The Shadow of Death
If You Can Help Us in Kenya


  1. I don’t know if I’ve sent this before. She’s been gone 10 years now.

    What I Miss Most of All

    Going to the beach for a walk on the sand,

    Her gentle caress, the touch of her hand,

    Her firm embrace,

    The smile on her face,

    The look in her eye

    As I walked by,

    Her presence near me as we lay on the bed,

    The love we shared by the words that were said,

    Those little things shared from day to day,

    The love that grew between us, along the way.

    Of all the things shared both great and small

    It’s the little things I miss most of all.

    Jerry Sledge 07/12/2010

  2. My husband was in pain from systemic lupus for more than thirty years before his death four and a half years ago. He spent his time writing nostalgic non-fiction and novels until the day of his death. Even on his death bed he was planning on visiting his publisher 300 miles away and celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary in five months’ time. Didn’t happen. As Tollkien wrote in “Leaf by Niggle,” you cannot refuse the call when it is time.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your work published, brothers! I knew Ellen during her last year with Corrie and the 10-city tour with the release of The Hiding Place movie. I was Corrie’s correspondence and corporate secretary during that time. Little did anyone know that the ORU stop on that last speaking tour would be so, um, eventful! ??? Such wonderful memories ??

  4. Thank you both! Looking forward to this what sounds to be amazing book!!!

    This podcast revived me to live each day to its fullest and celebrate every day because the beauty of earth we were created to enjoy and each other and Him thank You Father!! “Rejoice in the LORD always again I say Rejoice” “Celebrate God everyday”…in this life INTO the next hallelujah! Because we have Christ’s redemption we can celebrate this life as well but one day we will have the fullness!
    Papa many times I get stuck in brokenness of this world but I feel You keep inviting me to rejoice and celebrate…Papa I trust You and lead me and my fam on yahooooo!!!!!!!!! Let’s GO!!!! Amen.

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