Stop Doing God’s Job (#697) | The God Journey Stop Doing God’s Job (#697) | The God Journey

Stop Doing God’s Job (#697)

The greatest barrier to people embracing their own God Journey is their overestimation of our own capabilities. In short, we keep trying to do God's job. Wayne's daughter, Julie joins him for a discussion that starts with raising children but ends up exploring the entire way religion has inculcated us into trying to figure out what God wants and producing it in our own strength. But our efforts will never be enough, and then we end up frustrated by our failures. But what if we were never meant to do God's work on our own, but rather learn how to rely on him so that he can freely work in us?

Podcast Notes:
Wayne's Blog on The Gift of the Jews
Previous podcasts with Julie
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
Loving Our Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk
If You Can Help Us in Kenya


  1. This conversation was so timely…no not working through raising children but am facing deep “storms”. The best I understood Him, He said “Embrace your powerlessness here”. I have been processing that for a week or two. This conversation brought reminders and clarity to His glory being seen in our weakness. Painful process for me still…but it seems very valuable to learn.

    • Sorry, Sue, this is such a tough season. We all have them and they are always good days to get behind us. The pain is horrendous, but often what it produces in us is so glorious… Praying for you.

  2. Keep up the IMF (intermittent fasting), Wayne! I’ve been doing it for almost 2 years now I think. But on a more serious note, thank you so much for this reminder that I cannot change myself or for that matter my spouse or anyone else around me. It’s really such a freeing thought but one that is still so difficult for me. I need to be reminded of this often.

  3. Thanks Wayne. Over the years you and Brad have talked about it being more than “rainbow and puppy dogs”. There is a way through this that His reality is becoming slowly more real. Emotionally this has hit me hard. I am thankful for even small glimpses into His reality being greater than this age.Longing for less pain…appreciate your prayers. Blessings, Sue

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