Speaking a Language of Healing (#691) | The God Journey Speaking a Language of Healing (#691) | The God Journey

Speaking a Language of Healing (#691)

What if a few, determined people could transform the climate of a culture by salting their conversations with a language of mutual respect and compassion instead of adding to the anger and vitriol that is sweeping our country? Along with co-authors Bob Prater of Bakersfield, CA and Arnita Taylor of Dallas, TX, Wayne has just completed a new book titled A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation. It is subtitled Creating Safe Environments for Conversations about Race, Politics, Sexuality, and Religion. All of them were together a few weeks ago to put the finishing touches on the book and that gave them a chance to sit down and talk about their journey together and about the joys and pitfalls of collaboration to put some godly things in the world. Both have been on the podcast with Wayne previously, but here's a chance to see behind the scenes on their passion to celebrate what they share in common as much as the differences they hold. Their book is a call to expand our relationships and our hearts to include and to respect others who see the world differently than we do.

Podcast Notes:
Previous Podcasts with Arnita
Email Arnita
Previous Podcasts with Bob
Email Bob
If You Can Help Us in Kenya



  1. Thanks for all you are doing. Pray this gets where it needs to go! Patrick

  2. Another great conversation. Stuff we can all relate to and move forward on. I have learned so much from Arnita. I was thinking of her a few weeks ago. We have foreign exchange students living and working in our community for the summer from all over the world. It does remind me of this grand tapestry that I get to be a part of. It is moving me from those places of fear to discovery and gratitude. I remembered her conversation with you about when someone says they are color blind. Arnita’s conversations with you during the 2 previous podcasts changed my heart and has moved me into a wider deeper space. I hope you have Arnita on future podcasts.

    A few of the responses from last week’s podcast have been challenging for me. I had difficulty sleeping which is unusual for me. I think they are important conversations to have, vital even. Based on some of the comments and conversations I find myself in living life, at times I have wondered whether I am reading the same gospels. The good news is I have the best counselor available to talk with to help me unravel this. I must admit though, at times I am heartbroken.

    Thank you, Wayne, Bob and Arnita. I so enjoyed hearing from each of you.

  3. So thankful for y’all doing this book!!! So look forward to reading and hopefully giving out to family/friends:)!
    Enjoyed the podcast while I sit in the sunshine not getting cancer;) it’s good Vit D if don’t get burned:)

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