Here We Go Again… (#683) | The God Journey Here We Go Again… (#683) | The God Journey

Here We Go Again… (#683)

Many of you were with us fifteen years ago, when Brad and I discussed a novel we were helping to rewrite and launched a publishing company to put it in the world. It appears some people never learn from their mistakes, because Wayne is about to do it again, in spite of what happened last time. Last November he was sent an amazing story called THE CITY, inspired by a family and written by a first-time author, a young mother of three in France. She wanted to know if Wayne would rewrite the story and help publish it for the English-speaking world. Though Wayne was inclined not to, given what had happened before, he couldn't let go of this story that was too good not to be told. So here we go again, and helping him in this venture and joining him on this podcast to talk about it are Kyle and Jess Rice, good friends who are building the publishing company as well as coming alongside Wayne and in the coming months Lifestream to help expand this message of living loved to a younger generation.

Podcast Notes:
Kyle Rice's previous podcast
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