Engaging Real Relationships (#670) | The God Journey Engaging Real Relationships (#670) | The God Journey

Engaging Real Relationships (#670)

"We have the potential to transform a life (and a) minimal capacity to individually change American politics. That line in a TIME article spurs Brad and Wayne on to a discussion about why we're so passionate to speak out in arenas where we have no power, instead of investing our energies where we can truly make a difference. We have the most impact in the lives of people already around us, and if we could disconnect from our grandiose plans and hopes, we would have a front-row seat to the unfolding work of God in the situations around us. Learning to respond to his unfolding will is the only way to engage his plans, instead of fruitlessly trying to get him to serve ours.

Podcast Notes:
Hidden Tribes Survey
Why Anger is a Wasted Emotion by Dave French
The latest news from our project in Kenya


  1. Hi Wayne and Brad. Sorry about your cold Wayne
    I enjoyed the podcast; it mentioned something common to many of the Lords people. I also spent some time, where my Christian walk seemed to have lost the enjoyment and freshness that I had experienced when I was first born again and I did not believe it should be like this. I was told the Honeymoon was over by one of the elders and I would get used to it. I always believed if there was a problem with my walk with the Lord it was me and not Him. I tried so hard to find it again but seemed to just be going around in circles; I did not realize that was my problem, trying so hard. Faith is a resting, not a trying. I was helped one day through a book by Watchman Nee who had a similar experience, one day he had a scripture opened to him it was 1 Corth.1:30 Of God you are in Christ Jesus. Watchman Nee found he was trying to get into a room he was already in, for God had put him in Christ and why was he trying to get there. This was my experience as well; I just needed my eyes opened. I felt like the blind man in John 9 trying to find the door in John 10. The Lord was the Door, and a Door is enterable we enter in through this Door it takes us into a fellowship with the Father and the Son, It is like a branch in the vine it just rests and enjoys the supply.
    O the depth of the riches.

  2. Just want to thank you guys again for reminding me to return to the path of “discovery”. Many years ago I came across a quote in Readers Digest that I have kept in my wallet that l believe defines what you were talking about today regarding how our relationship with God was meant to be. Here it is: ” What you discover on your own is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you – it is like the difference between a romantic love and an arranged marriage” . by Terrence Rafferty May 1998

  3. I hear ya Ray. Been sooo much better off for understanding God putting us in Him completely. I identified with your restlessness which to me felt like a “straight jacket” as well as the “aha” moment while reading. It was encouraging to read your post man.

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