Appropriating Grace (#644) | The God Journey Appropriating Grace (#644) | The God Journey

Appropriating Grace (#644)

Wayne and Brad spend some time mulling over last week's podcast with Jack Gerry about his family's encounter with Alzheimer's Disease and dig in to what it means to appropriate grace in those seasons where everything seems dark and God far away. There is a way to process our pain and questions with God that invites us deeper into the relationships, and ways to do it that can pull us deeper into the darkness and make it more difficult for us to sense his presence and hear his voice. Almost always, finding our way to a place of genuine surrender to his love will renew that relationship and allow us to see him more clearly.

Podcast Notes:
Previous podcast with Jack Gerry, Finding Grace in Desperate Times
Wayne's Travel Schedule
The latest news from our project in Kenya
Add your voice to our question/comment line via Skype at "TheGodJourney"


  1. Thanks for “processing” that conversation with Jack. As I am walking through pain with Him (wrestling with justice, unfairness and brokeness) appreciate that these 2 conversations have given more food for thought. Will see how He walks me forward into greater reality and seeing things I’ve not yet been able to see. Blessings, Sue

  2. I keep listening yet have not given up on asking “why” all the time. It keeps always thinking and I feel unable to connect the way you all described. I hope I can open up to whatever is there. Have you read Peter Enns “The Sin of Certainty”?

    • Hi Joe

      Just starting to read “The Sin of Certainty” for the 3rd time. I have added it to my regular re-read pile of books I have in my “quiet place”. The book reminds me that God is bigger than my limited notions.

      I find myself at a place in my life where the formulas do not work, and the “scripture promises” do not seem to be working, and I cannot seem to find the right faith formula or incantation. I am left to simply trust in a God who has said he works all things out for my good.

      So far, in hindsight and over many years, I discover He has indeed been faithful and trustworthy. Why should I quit believing now?

  3. This podcast reminded me of a documentary that I watched called “Mr Rogers and Me” and the guy interview a journalist who became friends with Fred Rogers in 1995. A couple of years later, he wrote Fred to let him that his younger brother was dying and his marriage was falling apart. He told him in the letter, “If this what is going to come to, then why should I do good?” Mr Rogers replied to him saying, “I can understand how you can feel like that” and “I will not forsake you.” This response totally changed his life.

  4. Okay, the rest of the God Journey folks, where are you at? Is this podcast just some interesting words this time? Or are these words real now to you? The me of 9 years ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago would have said, “Wow, I would love to be there, not quite sure how to get there.” Now, I just hear Brad and Wayne talko n this subject and say, “Yes, Yes, Yes.” Just lean in, just say, “Father, thank you for your grace.” Thank you, Wayne and Brad, for the scriptures that were brought to such a beautiful new light. Man, this podcast is going to be on a repeat cycle for days.

  5. Love the last few mins eg from 36.30 on – especially in relation to that quote by AJ Iwand –
    I am discovering that faith only really happens when it seems impossible. When your life seems at a dead end, and you cannot see any hope….nothingness. This is contrary to much of the church – eg the pentecostal background I came from tends to make faith into something we produce, another work we must do and can be proud of. Very exhausting. I am going to ponder that quote alot. Have come across similar thoughts in Yancey’s books “Where is God when it hurts” and “Disappointment with God”, and other great books on suffering.

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