In, Then Out, Then In Again (#642) | The God Journey In, Then Out, Then In Again (#642) | The God Journey

In, Then Out, Then In Again (#642)

Chris DuPré has had an interesting God Journey that we originally told on a podcast in 2010 as this long time musician and pastoral leader was finding his way outside of religious performance and religious institutions. But in the past couple years he's been invited back in to a unique pastoral role with a congregation in Pennsylvania. He was visiting Brad in Southern Cal and we decided to catch up with him. He offers some interesting perspectives about the dangers of the institutional mindset to rob us from our life and Christ, and how to be re-engaged with people there without being owned by the ministry or the expectations of people in it. He talks with Wayne and Brad about the difference between obligation and duty and finding a fulfilling journey inside the love of God.

Podcast Notes:
First Podcast with Chris Dupre
Wayne's Travel Schedule
The latest news from our project in Kenya
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