Finding Fullness (#641) | The God Journey Finding Fullness (#641) | The God Journey

Finding Fullness (#641)

How much does finding learning to embrace the fullness of life that's in Christ depend on our pursuit?  Can we overdo it by striving in our own efforts, or alternatively, become so passive and miss what he has for us? Wayne and Brad discuss the process by which we learn to live in the fullness of the Spirit as a growing reality in our daily lives.  They talk about the spirit of the disciplines, what it means to be continually filled by the Spirit, and how to help new people on this journey find their footing at the fountainhead that will lead to a lifetime of growing realitionship and ever-increasing fullness from the Lord's love and grace.

Podcast Notes:
Wayne's Travel Schedule
The latest news from our project in Kenya
Add your voice to our question/comment line via Skype at "TheGodJourney"


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