Don’t Ignore Your Yuck Meter (#630) | The God Journey Don’t Ignore Your Yuck Meter (#630) | The God Journey

Don’t Ignore Your Yuck Meter (#630)

You know that feeling you get inside when something doesn't quite seem right? You may not even be able to put your finger on it but you're unsettled. Follow it or ignore it? We've had a lot of fun over the years talking about your Yuck Meter, which is the voice of the Spirit in us warning us when away from something that may be hurtful to us or others. Brad and Wayne talk about it again as it deals with being manipulated in religious systems, or seeking people's approval through it, and in dealing with stories in the media that often give us a distorted view of what is really going on in our world. Following those simple nudges even if you can't explain will make all the difference in the world in allowing you to embrace what's real and back away from something that isn't.

Podcast Notes:
Wayne's Travel Schedule
Wayne refers to the book Breaking Up With God by Sarah Sentilles
The Knife Media
The latest news from our project in Kenya
Add your voice to our question/comment line via Skype at "TheGodJourney"

One Comment

  1. Thanks for the conversation today. I like hearing how others are navigating media and looking at various information. You mentioned the Knife Media and I have been following that for a little while. I heard about it on The Reuben Report. Check that out if you get a chance. Reuben is in California and has lots of various guests on all sides of issues in an effort to promote free speech, a marketplace of ideas, and the ability to talk even when people disagree. I think it would be a good place to connect with your Bridge Building. That kind of conversation builds understanding. Wayne and Brad, your friendship and work in various forms have helped me to have better dialogue and to check why my yuck meter goes off. I hope that I can have conversations that bring about a real connection with those around me. Some days I still struggle with knowing Father as you two do. But I am way less anxious about it and way less beating myself up for not sensing or feeling his presence as I have thought it should be.
    Peace to you.

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