A Loving God in a World of Pain, Part 2 (#499) | The God Journey A Loving God in a World of Pain, Part 2 (#499) | The God Journey

A Loving God in a World of Pain, Part 2 (#499)

sufferingThe podcast about God's love in a painful world captured many of you and Wayne got a host of feedback that expands that discussion on this podcast. Our well-being is not determined by our circumstances, but by how God finds us in the middle of them and shapes our heart in greater freedom. This applies as much in the tragedies of this life as it does the disappointment in our search to find community with others. When God isn't answer our prayers the way we want, maybe he's at work in a different way than we can see. By looking beyond the circumstances God invites us into a world where the unseen becomes far more real than what we see.

Podcast Links:
Wayne visited two other podcasts this week, the Chief Sinner Podcast on Accountability and Community, and The Encouraging Others in Christ podcast about The Treasure of the Scriptures
Sorry, the video interview Wayne refers to is not yet available.
Wayne's Podcast Interview with his Dad
Wayne's Upcoming Travel to Indianapolis, the Bay area of California, and Colorado
Our latest update from Kenya
Add your voice to our question/comment line: (805) 539-6980 or Skype us at "TheGodJourney"


  1. To Victoria who was mentioned at the end of the podcast, hang in there, I’m in the same boat you are.

  2. One of my favorite songs is a hymn “be still my soul”: I love just to stop sometimes, to sing, and take the words to heart.

    Be still my soul, the Lord is on your side
    Bear patiently the cross of grief and pain
    Leave to your God to order and provide
    In every change He faithful will remain
    Be still my soul, your best, your heavenly friend
    Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end

    Be still my soul, the Lord will undertake
    To guide the future as he has the past
    Thy hope, Thy confidence, let nothing shake
    Though now mysterious, shall be bright and light
    Be still my soul, the waves and winds still know
    His voice who ruled them, while He dwelt below

    Be still my soul, when dearest friends depart
    And all is darkened in a veil of tears
    Then you shall better know His love, His heart
    Who comes to soothe your sorrows, calm your fears
    Be still my soul, for Jesus can repay
    From His own fullness, all He takes away

    Be still my soul, the hour is hastening on
    When we shall be forever with the Lord
    When disappointment, grief and fear are gone
    Sorrow forgot, loves pure joy restored
    Be still my soul, when change and tears are past
    All safe an blessed, we shall meet at last

  3. I love “Be Still My Soul” as well. However, it also contains that thinking that God is purposing to do us harm.

    Here is that thinking again;
    Be still my soul, for Jesus can repay
    From His own fullness, all He takes away

    Does Jesus really take away? Rather, “For God so loved the world that He GAVE…” Love gives, does it not?

  4. My thoughts are it feels as though he has removed something when we are in the middle of pain. That feeling is very reall….and through our tears we live with hope in a greater reality…when sorrow and tears will all be past. When I am in that moment with someone no parsing of hymns will do…I find that I join them in their sorrow and their unique response. In processing the 2 podcasts on pain I’ve been struck by how my own responses have without meaning to placed Father as the author of brokenness. I’m still workig through that…thankful for the observations of others that challenge me and bring some clarity.

  5. Sometimes there is no clarity, just pain. The nights can be long and dark with no relief in sight. During those times I look for beauty, for love, for hope. There is always something. The problem is sin, the answer is Jesus. I have never found anything to contradict that. Sometimes it feels as though the attacks are personal, and perhaps they are. But I know who the real author is, and I know my Father can cause all things to work together for good. Strange one, He is. I want to be comfortable, He gives me His word, I want to have financial reserve, He gives me rich friendships, I want health, he gives me senses to experience the miraculous world around me.

    Wouldn’t this be a great time for a miracle? Let us pray……….


  6. So we decided to talk about the problem of pain and and sovereignty have we? A topic that has been around for centuries…

    If am not sure anyone can really ever figure that one out. There are enough scriptures that indicate that God is more involved in calamity than we perhaps dare think. (Isaiah 45:7: I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.) In hardening Pharaoh’s heart he created more problems for the children of Israel until their final exodus. (Exodus 9:12). And in the case of Job, his difficult was as a result of a bet between God and Satan.

    God will accomplish his will. His will is good and holy. Perhaps the problem is that we try to wrap our own mere human definition of good and bad around God’s eternal character. After all, God used “bad” crucifixion to bring about “good” salvation.

    e really are not qualified to be able to determine what is good and bad. In the end times we are told men would call good bad, and bad good. Can our own feeble thoughts be trusted? I discover that they are not reliable. Perhaps it is more about our character and God’s glory than good and bad?

    I have not figured it all out, but I do find myself living more and more in a place of when bad things happen, saying: Well Lord, how are you going to sort this one out? How are you going to redeem it?

    Not that I am seeking at answer specifically, but this is more of a turning to Him acknowledging that He is in control, and will work these out for my good and His glory. He will go with me, even when I do not understand and I can trust him. Of course, I can say that now after having gone through some calamity, but I am not 100% sure I will be so optimistic on the next one. A fresh application of grace will be needed no doubt.

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