Of Religion, Community, and Discipleship (#492) | The God Journey Of Religion, Community, and Discipleship (#492) | The God Journey

Of Religion, Community, and Discipleship (#492)

bsfWayne is back from his nearly month-long travel throughout Europe, the first part celebrating his family and the second part meeting with people in Barcelona and the south of France. Here he shares the experiences and observations of his odyssey from some of the most magnificent religious buildings in Europe (that's the interior of the Basilica Sagrada Familia in Barcelona at left) to the places where those who resisted the power of the papacy were conquered or imprisoned. Gathering with people who have learned to live in the Father's love and some of those freshly starting on this journey, it served as a perfect parable why community is the fruit of discipleship. Until people begin to come to rest in the Father's affection, they will not be able to see the joy and wisdom that fellow disciples of Jesus discover in their life together. So the task of seeing community take shape in the world is to help people learn how to live in the new creation.

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  1. My family just finished vacationing a couple hundred yards away from the set of the movie. I had to work but joined them for an evening as we live only an hour away from there. I would have enjoyed running into Brad (as a long time listener of your podcast) but knew that was impossible considering his schedule.
    Hope you make it up to the set. It’s a beautiful part of the world and I’m sure you would enjoy your stay.
    Thanks for the many years of encouragement from your podcasts and books as I journey. I’m an MK, now a PK and got married to a PK. Yup, fair bit off baggage!! 🙂 Looking forward to the movie.

  2. I enjoyed hearing about your family time together in Europe. You must be very proud of them and thankful for that time together.

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