Jumping Off the Train | The God Journey Jumping Off the Train | The God Journey

Jumping Off the Train

Wayne takes time to read through some wonderful listener input since the last podcast as people are learning to jump off the barreling train of the world's expectations and religion's demands, to engage a more incredible process of God's transforming work. This journey is revealed not by find a method to implement, but by listening to Father's simple invitations to think and live inside his revelation. Our curriculum is life itself, where God makes himself known in the unfolding joys, disappointments, and struggles in life. As we learn to live in that process with him, not only can we be at peace even where we're still incomplete, but also embrace the joy mutually enthusiastic relationship with God and others.

Podcast Links:
LIVING LOVED article: The Narrow Road
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  1. Wayne, I appreciate Darrell’s response to our conversation and I agree with him. And I also appreciate you further describing some of what it was we were trying to get at by having that conversation. There is this reality of being wise and careful as we go along and at the same time not allowing fear to keep us trapped in spaces (mental and physical) that just don’t serve us well when it comes to finding life and living free in Christ.

    To me, this all has come down to the love and care demonstrated by Father, Son and Spirit in their willingness to come after us wherever we might go in our attempts to throw off the chains that hold us. And how absolutely stunning it is when we begin to see they have been with us all along, from the beginning. We just weren’t able to recognize them and their presence due to all the false notions the curriculums had left us trying to work.

  2. You’re so right about the illusion. I left a church last year that I had spent 12 years in after being tired of being slandered, disrespected and undermined. A friend asked me recently why I left and what I was searching for. When I shared her the feelings I outlined above, she said, “when you did attend –whether or not your voice was heard–by the whoever it was that didn’t listen–i often wanted to talk with you about your testimony and walk with God–b/c it appeared to me that you lived for Him and had a wonderful sense of peace, humility, gentleness–but yet a strong presence (if that makes sense.” This was via e-mail and then we talked in person she mentioned something about me appearing strong and I had to let her know that leaders have feelings and a heart too. Too many times I think people take strong people or leaders for granted as if we are invincible. I’m glad to be off that treadmill and in the time since I left that church, I have been more open and transparent and less concerned about others’ opinion of me. I also am committed to not putting myself, ever again, in an environment in which I am not accepted.

  3. Thanks for reading the e-mails and including us in the ‘discussion’. The mixed metaphors are o.k. by me 🙂

    Process, process, process…sounds like there’s some influence from Brene Brown’s books working. Being honest and vulnerable is so refreshing yet scarey at the same time, but oh so worth it. I can hear a difference in your podcasts which I appreciate very much. So much more heartfelt and transparent. That takes a lot of courage which I applaud you and Sara for. Thank you for trusting. Thank you for being real.

  4. Wayne,

    I simply love these conversations of late, especially being thrown into the mix, your doing a pod cast by yourself from time to time.

    There’s a restaurant chain here that use to use in its logo, “different is good.” Different is not necessarily better but can often be very good, and to my way of seeing things, I see these differing flows with what our Father is putting upon your heart to be most exciting.
    I love the direction he is leading you into and opening up before you.

    It’s wonderful knowing Sara is on the mend, your love for her is something that always deeply touches my heart.
    I realize its a bit early but just in case, I want to wish you and your family and extended family’s a most Wonder filled Christmas.

  5. Hi Wayne,
    I too am enjoying these current pod casts. Things being said are confirming thoughts I have had for a while, but because they are not “mainstream” I keep them to myself.

    One thing I am resting in and finding peace in, is how different this journey is for each person, including my husband and our children.

    Our family has been through many scary hardships these past few years since my husband has been unemployed. One of the most wonderful things I have come to have faith in, is that instead of making/wanting God to fix things, is that he is meeting us there in the midst of the hard times and pain. To be able to feel his love
    is so precious.

    Another wonderful discovery is that when I stop trying to avoid the pain and stop taking things into my own hands to live up to others folks’ expectations, my out look is brighter. I do not focus so much on “God is in control” but that he knows our needs and if we do with out or bills do not get paid, it is not the end of the world. We won’t go to hell for not meeting our obligations.

    These things really come to the front for me because of Christmas. Christmas cards and other things are just expected, mostly by me.

    I am no longer hurt by people saying if we were in a church they would not only help us but our lot would improve. They mean well, and it is what hey have been taught.

    Mostly I am just thrilled my husband and I are still together in a loving marriage after 28 years. It has not been easy.

    I think it was Kent who talked about living in the moment a few weeks ago. It was a new idea for me.

    Thank you for listening.

  6. I have recently begun the practices of meditation and yoga from eastern religious traditions, and I can say without a doubt that they have brought me closer to God. They help mitigate the fear, anxiety and depression that used to keep me from hearing His voice clearly. Nothing in Western Christianity offered me that release.

    But I understand how your friend could have had a bad experience. “New Age” embraces a lot of things, some of which are questionable in my mind. I am open, but cautious about New Age teaching, especially when the goal is personal superiority, either in power or wealth. As the Scripture says, “Test the spirits”. Or as Brad says, “Eat the chicken, spit out the bones”. 🙂

    Of course, our bookstores are full of books peddling spirituality as a means to personal power and wealth. I would just point out that you will find about as many of those in the Christian section as you will the New Age section. Christian television is filled of this message as well. The New Age movement certainly doesn’t have a lock on bad teaching.

    While there is both wisdom and danger to be found in all religious teachings, we need to be careful about rushing to judgement, saying something is “of the devil” when it is is helping people (Matthew 12:25-28, Luke 9:49-50). “Every good and perfect gift is from the Father.”

    Bottom line, no religion has all the right answers. God alone can guide us into truth. But there is as much danger to closing our minds too tightly as in opening them too wide, IMO.

  7. Wayne,

    Just listened to your podcast and as I was thinking about your focus on being comfortable with process I read this on Facebook

    “When we choose to answer the call of our Lord, we become like a bow in His hands. A bow is useful only when it’s drawn. It’s the drawing, the ability to handle tension, that gives a bow its value. With a little draw, there is little release. Yet each time we submit to God, we expand our trust and faith and grow more flexible, resilient, and strong. Over time we are able to to flex into a full draw and know His full release. The bigger the draw, the farther our arrows fly for Him. The farther they fly, the greater the impact we make on the hearts of those around us who need help.” ~Kim Meeder~

    see…Facebook isn’t so bad?:)

    Thank you for being a voice that dares to believe in community not defined by program.

    I likely won’t stop going to church:) but because of your courage to share your perspective I’ll continue to hunger for connection and not settle for ritual.

    Love to you, your beloved Sarah and your family.


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