A God-Filled Nobody, Part 2 | The God Journey A God-Filled Nobody, Part 2 | The God Journey

A God-Filled Nobody, Part 2

Wayne continues his conversation with John Beaumont from last week. John Beaumont is the author of A God-Filled Nobody, and numerous other books about our freedom to live in the revelation of Jesus and has traveled throughout the world encouraging others on this journey as well. Now retired he lives in Rotorura, New Zealand. In this second of a two-part interview, John talks about the things that matter most as he looks back on his journey. He shares about the constant pain he lives in, healing, and how he processes that tension in his own relationship with God. Finally they discuss John's conviction that "Fellowship ends when meetings begin."

Podcast Links:
Links to John Beaumont's resources on the web.
Great Joy in Kenya


  1. What a blessing to hear this morning.

    I’m not sure exactly why, but there was a moment three quarters of the way in, where I first started to get “butterflies” in my stomach followed by gentle weeping.

    I believe it was when John shared his vision of God as “an emotional” Father.

    Without taking from nor adding to this interview, with my personal journey what all I heard God speaking through John and yourself (Wayne) this morning, I will simply mention that I am grateful for how God uses His people and this medium to speak to us.

    Thank you SO much for sharing, Wayne and John.


  2. Don’t think I can add anything of value to what Annette said – she spoke what is in my heart – thank you, Wayne for bringing us this!

  3. Great conversation! Enjoyed it very much. Wayne, your comments about believers as a sweet fragrance reminded me of a link that was shared by John Zens. Thought I’d pass along.


    There are so many thoughts from so many on Christian fellowship and intimacy with Papa and each other. Sharing them helps us all to grow closer. Thanks for sharing the John Beaumontisms at the end of the podcast.

  4. Thanks Wayne for sharing Johns life experience with us. I so agree with him. Interesting thought though to reminisce about the idea that our physical part is but a minute proportion of our being. The truly wonderful thing though is that since the inception of the Church, as understood by Paul, we have had all we needed to live the life John so excellently portrays i.e Life, Truth and the Way, but we as humans have so skillfully sidestepped Him and now find it such a cumbersome process to ‘get back’ to where we’re supposed to be (and actually are). Thanks God for your patience and Grace.

  5. Appreciated the 2nd part of this discussion with John. Thanks Wayne and John!

  6. This was absolutely beautiful and resonated with what God has been leading me toward for sooo many years. This conversation left me with the feeling of a warm blanket on a cool brisk morning, so comforting, as if God himself was holding me close.

    Thank you for being willing to share all of this with us!

    much love.

  7. What resonated with me was John’s words about the our struggle to be someone or do something and then you finished off the podcast with the fragrance of death bit….yes! It reminds me of “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God..” Gal 2:20 Religion has us struggle to be good, to keep the rules, to keep up, to be someone, to do something – but it’s already been done. This religious root seems to come from the fruit that our ancestors ate and poisened us all. The fruit of the knowldege of good things and bad things and so we try to be good by our effort, rather than eating from the tree of life – Jesus – who has done it all for us. My heart is changing but it’s a slow process!

  8. Thank you brothers! I’m a bit late to the listening party. We have a beautiful picture of a jetty and a raft in our home. John’s article can be for some a wonderful (wonder filled) prayer!

    “From the vision of the jetty and the raft let me call you away from a life of deadening predictability to a life of constant refreshing and high adventure in the Holy Spirit. . . Amen and amen!”

  9. I was about to listen to this Friday’s podcast when I realized I’d missed last weeks. I started listening with a bit of feeling behind, but the more I got into the dialogue, (or it got into me), I could sense Poppa’s perfect timing. How marvelous. So much of the interaction touched me personally, and stretched into new areas and even refreshed and adjusted old, dust covered paradigms. Very, very thankful for your sharing John Beaumont with us. Thank You, Lord! Thank you, Wayne & John.

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