A God-Filled Nobody | The God Journey A God-Filled Nobody | The God Journey

A God-Filled Nobody

During Wayne's recent trip to New Zealand, he spent a day with John Beaumont, author of A God-Filled Nobody, and numerous other books about our freedom to live in the revelation of Jesus. John is one of those pioneers whose passion for God helped unmask the conventions of religion that do more to restrict our growth in him, rather than free us to know him. He has traveled the world sharing some of his insights with others. In this first of a two-part interview, John shares a bit of his own story and how God has shaped his life over seven decades, and continues to invite him into the freshness of a daily walk with him.

Podcast Links:
Links to John Beaumont's resources on the web.
John Beaumont's, Passing the Torch (PDF file)
Great Joy in Kenya


  1. I love John’s description of noticing the inner calm and allowing the peace of Holy Spirit to referee in our daily walk. I found myself resonating with this as I’ve often questioned my ability to hear God’s voice clearly. I mean, “today if you hear his voice” and “My sheep hear my voice”… since I don’t hear an audible voice these leave me wondering if I even hear the voice of God at all. And yes, the haunting question rears it’s ugly head, am I even one of his sheep? The inner calm and knowing settles this.

  2. Hey guys, Just a thought from HIM. HE has much more joy in an untamed stallion running free than a pack horse being pulled from behind. No matter how light the yoke, despair always seeps in dousing the fiery passions in which HE has placed within us. As HE urges us to run out in front at times, we have the perspective of HIS beaming smile as we frolic . Only in true-freedom may we experience true-love. Gman.

  3. Thanks Wayne and Thanks to John for a great reminder of the richness and range of the Body. At 59 and a Grandfather as well, I am in my second semester of seminary. So I resonate with your comments about being at a place and doing things you never imagined. Among the things that Father is showing me at this seminary is just how much richness there is when we don’t exclude from our understanding of Christianity all that brothers and sisters from across the years and across the church (writ large) have experienced and learned. Great to hear from another brother like John. People ask me if I intent to “take over” a church when I’m through with seminary. But I’m asking myself is that anywhere near the right model because it has never seemed so to me. So I am eager to hear what you discover in this quest to help others on this journey. Blessings

  4. I appreciated the simplicity of the advice – just take the next step. To go further than that has us living for the future, and runs the risk of preoccupying us with fear – the ” but what if game.”

    If plans and programmes and meetings lead us closer to God we should have got there by now. Ain’t that the truth. Church goers round here are tired, critical, depressed, and if you get them on a honest day – feel that God is far away. No wonder Jesus told the religious leaders of His day (with considerable venom I have always thought) that by the time they were finished with people they had made those people “twice the sons of hell.”

    I would like to hear more about dealing with “draining people” mentioned briefly in this podcast.I find some people seem less interested in knowing God than in having you be God to them. They can consume vast amounts of energy and time and remain dependant. Despite a perpetual helping hand they never seem to grow. They are also typically resentful, angry and absent if you ever have a hard time yourself. Do you just avoid such people? Are these the people the writer of Proverbs talks about when he says ” have nothing to do those who are vexatious to the Spirit.”

  5. Wow! Another one “hit out of the park” : ) It’s wonderful (and more and more expected) how Father will use a conversation like this to address some of the ongoing dialogue I’ve been having with Him. This passion to help others on their journey and learning to simply “take the next step” is a profoundly helpful and more Godly way to process this. I also am wired to want strategy…only to find that strategy is so unhelpful. So good to hear Wayne how you and Brad dialogued about your (somewhat) divergent paths and how these conversations can continue to be a source of encouragement. Blessings

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