The Life of A Pilgrim
Meet Jack Gray, a native of Scotland, surgeon in the Congo in the 1950s, doctor and hospital administrator in New Zealand, and a life-long, passionate follower of Jesus. Wayne met up with Jack during his recent visit to New Zealand, where Jack and his family have lived since 1965, and encouraged him to reflect over his nearly ninety years and the things Jesus has taught him along the way. As he tells his story he talks about his bout with depression, betrayal by brothers in Christ, the loss of his dear wife of 59 years, and how Jesus led him beyond the boundaries of religious institutions to walk freely in him. He talks about the day Jesus spoke to him, "If you want church my way, you have to stop doing it your way," and how it changed the trajectory of his life and met the deepest passion of his heart.
Podcast Links:
Jack Gray's website: The Pilgrim Path
Great Joy in Kenya
Wayne's resources available in Australia at
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Wrote to Mr. Jack last year because his teaching helped us so much. I was very much surprised when he replied. Such an encourager! Because of resources like Mr. Jack’s articles and The God Journey, we begin to feel like we were not alone on this journey God has placed us on–our Southern Baptist brothers and sisters in our small town thought we had lost our minds! Exciting how God puts just the right person in your path when you need it most. It was wonderful to hear Mr. Jack’s voice. Can’t wait for the rest of the his story!
Good conversation.
What a privilege it was to meet Jack during your time with us in Auckland Wayne. We are so looking forward to spending more time with him. Thanks for connecting us up.
I listened to this podcast during a “walk-break” I took while caring for my Mom who’s been hospitalized. Had to stop and write down several things shared, including:
“When you’re going towards the light, the shadow falls behind you…,” and, “The Spirit builds no fences.” ~Jack Gray Thank you both for the encouragement!!!
This was a gift Wayne. Thanks for sharing Jack with us. Can’t wait to hear more.
What a blessing this conversation was, and what a precious saint. Thank you!
What a wonderful conversation! Thank you brothers!
I sure love what God is doing in these days, with us all, His children. I’ve been spending some time this morning reading on Jack’s website. So much richness…
I am reminded of the song “Pioneer” by Nancy Honeytree.
Thank you for letting what you do and who you are be wind blown, like a dandelion.
Me, too, Janelle!!!! How cool!!!!
What a delightful brother! I enjjoy listening to the story of part of his life. Thank you, Father, for the inspiration of Your children!
What a treat!! I can’t wait to hear the rest of the conversation!
I cryed the whole time I listened to this. I needed an arm this morning, and gave me this…I just have no words to say how much I long for more of what God is doing!! Sometimes the struggle makes me so weary, that I just want to go home too..Bless you both, and as you are on the journey, I am sure you have felt this too, so just know you are NOT alone in this walk, and God is building something, that is going to blow our minds!! He is our LOVE, our GUiDE, our SAVIOR, and my knight in shining armour!!! Thank you for being people who love HIM more then ANYTHING else!! God bless you SO much!! Thank you God…!!!
Really appreciated this conversation.
Jack thanks for the encouragement!
Hanging out for the next installment.
Blessings on you both.
I love hearing about other people’s journeys, particularly older pilgrims. Looked up Jack’s website – more meat to chew on! I love Jack’s reflection on the verse about the wind blowing where it will. This certainly reflects my life. Also what God told Him about sewing the seed. How we are the little green shoots sprouting up all over the place. The questions you asked were great Wayne. Thank you for taking the time to bring this brother’s story to us – It was a great encouragement to me.
Thanks for the song Janelle – beautiful
Just to song “Pioneer” that Janelle shared the link to. What a beautiful song. The words express this journey well.
I enjoyed even the pauses he gives before answering your questions. There is something very special in the old people that have walked for so long with God. They pass maturity, simplicity and love and passion for Jesus. I listened to it several times and can´t wait for the second part. Thanks a lot both of you.
Those who don’t go to Jack’s website and read the many articles are going to be missing some even greater blessing that what you have already heard.
I’m with you on that, Ken…have it bookmarked myself!!!
Just a note on what Sharon said… I too was really struck with that verse about the wind. I have heard it many times, and liked it. But for some reason it really hit me in a way it hadn’t before. The way God seems to work, always has a certain amount of….let’s say…scariness??lol you know sometimes when walking by faith it feels so random, that at times makes me want to this just me? Am I crazy? As it is so much easier when God lets you know something with a little thunder and lightning. But it seems most often it’s a still, sort of quiet way, with some wild bursts. Much like a gentle wind, with a few tornados thrown in.;) Somehow, thinking of that verse about his spirit being like the wind, made me feel much less blown randomly about, and instead makes me feel very safe. And, rather encouraged to enjoy where” the wind” takes me, and not to try and direct where it blows. My dad always said a lot, that we should enjoy the ride, and this thought has helped me to do that more. Looking forward to the next gust!!
Thank you Wayne and Jack. I found Jack’s Articles and read the first and last before listening to his talk with you. I cried. You are two precious souls and will keep reading the things you write and listening to what you say.God has such a beautiful way of talking to us and bringing healing to us through people who share His love as you do.
You two are true Elders among the brothers and sisters on this journey.
I really enjoyed this conversation. The age in Jack’s voice reminds me of my great-grandfather when he was that age. He was a preacher and walked with God. How I wish I could sit with him again and listen to his stories!
Wayne, you and Jack mentioned a book. Something about Mercies. Could you tell me the actual name of the book and its author?
Thank you!
Marcella, the book is A SEVERE MERCY by Sheldon Vanauken…
May God bless this precious man of God for sharing his personal story at such depth! I too have suffered depression and betrayal at the hands of fellow christians! This is healing to hear a precious saint!!! and his struggles!!!! May God enfold Him in the shelter of His loving arms! THANK YOU for this precious inspirations and revelation and depth of sharing!!!!Oh how I love the Lord!!!