A Man Like No Other, Part 2 | The God Journey A Man Like No Other, Part 2 | The God Journey

A Man Like No Other, Part 2

Wayne and Brad continue their conversation with Murry Whiteman, the artist of their newest release: A Man Like No Other: The Illustrated Life of Jesus. Their words were added to the artistic brush of Murry Whiteman to conclude a project that has been in his heart for twenty years. The result is a 128-page, full-color art book containing panoramic images drawn from the gospels with stories to help you think through the life of Jesus with all the religious garb we usually add to the story. In this podcast, you'll hear the passion for Jesus that each of these three brought to the project and how they wanted others to stop and see the reality of Jesus in a way that they may not have done so before. The book will be available in early November.

Podcast Links:
Pre-order A Man Like No Other from one of these three websites: Murry's website, Windblown Media, or Lifestream


  1. What a treat! What touched me most is both the timing of God that was talked about; not rushing into God’s will. And the honor of Murry’s wife. My family and I have had the privilege of being pastored by this couple and family. Truly, it was their whole family who pastored. Theirs hearts loved you as God did, at least you received a taste of God’s love through them.

    But to honor your wives and have your wives respect you as you all continue to expand God’s life through your lives would be an unspoken cry of many hearts, not just mine. Be faithful until the end, my brothers. And Godspeed on this new communion you have given the body on our journey.


  2. Two things I so appreciated about this conversation. 1) I could picture Jesus working as a carpenter (before His 3 years of public ministry) and seeing the soldiers (Romans occupying Palestine) and yet His heart remaining calm. This picture moved me as I thought about my own “driven” responses. 2) I often have the “need” or “drive” to “let’s just get “er done!!! I want to be mature and loving and peaceful already!!!!” You all brought out the point that Jesus loves the process. This is a real shift in thinking about the pressures I’m facing. Rather than fretting over the end product to see the value of this relationship with Him and the process of transformation He brings us through. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. After we opened to the first page and felt goose bumps, we’ve chosen to savor each page and only read one page a day. The artwork is a feast for the eyes and the accompanying article helps us ponder the gospel in a fresh way. What a treat for our souls and spirit! Bravo!

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