Contentedness | The God Journey Contentedness | The God Journey


Kevin Smith has been a long-time friend of Wayne's and during his recent trip to Australia they found a chance to catch up on their journeys and encourage each other. They recorded some of their musings together so Brad and others who have enjoyed Kevin's journey could join in the dialog. They talked about a number of things, prayer, learning to listen to God, helping others, and living contentedly in the face of difficult circumstances or shifting opportunities. Kevin lives with his wife Val near Melbourne, Australia where they enjoy a life in the Father's care alongside others including their three adult children and their families. (Please bear with us on the quality of the interview here. We weren't in a studio.)

Podcast Links:
Kevin's Previous Podcasts with Wayne and Brad:
06/08/2007 • The Freedom of Knowing Him
06/01/2007 • Taking the Risk to Live In Father’s Care
10/13/2005 • Living Under Father’s Care

The Ongoing Challenges in Kenya


  1. Thank you Wayne for having Kevin share some of his life experiences on this journey. This broadcast really resonated with me. I felt as though our Father was letting me know that I am not alone in my challenges and all that I have been going through is a natural progression towards learning contentedness in Him. It reminds me again that I don’t have to get wound up because life isn’t unfolding in the way that I had expected or hoped. So to hear another brother, walking through a similar season of life, and share about God’s continual and bountiful provision, is really encouraging.
    Thank you both for sharing.

  2. I’m looking forward to hearing more from Kevin.Seems he has not lost (or has recovered) a sense of genuine wonder at all God is doing in the world.

  3. This was a great podcast. Thanks for sharing the discussion with Kevin.

    I liked the brief discussion on prayer. For those of us who grew up in an organized religious background, our concept of prayer is pretty much defined by the theologians. After being out of the box for 3 years, I still find myself thinking of prayer as I was taught for all those prior years.

    I know you don’t plan your topics for podcasts, but more discussion on prayer would be interesting to hear.

  4. Thanks to Kevin for his sharing of a little of his story. I echo previous posts about how encouraging it is to learn that my anxiety can be “dialed back” with the knowledge that first, Jesus is with me. Secondly there’s so much encouragement to know that others on the journey face pressures like me and to see Kevin’s trusting response and his honesty is refreshing. He admits that there are things he misses about the “organizational opportunities”…though not that he would go back to that. To see that it’s possible for Jesus to care for him in the midst of circumstances that are less than ideal gives many hope to know “Jesus will care for me through my challenges as well”.

  5. I absolutely love this brother! You have mentioned in the past that he has authored some books. A web search has turned up nothing. Could you please post the Titles of some of his books.

  6. Unfortunately, Timothy, the books and pamphlets he has authored were smaller, self-published works that are no longer available. Sorry.

  7. I should not be surprised that our beautiful Lord has brought this podcast of Kevin and you Wayne to me today. His perfect timing! Thank you for the many confirmations that I have heard in your conversations about having that real peace time with God and not conforming to the world. It is not easy, but I have discovered time and time again that when i have really let go and let God have my day the most wonderful things happen. He knows my frame, he knows what is best for me, my children, my walk. Bless you. Tess.x

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