A History of The God Journey | The God Journey A History of The God Journey | The God Journey

A History of The God Journey

Long time listener and now the de-facto historian of the God Journey, Dave Edwards join Brad and Wayne for this look back through the history of the podcast. For the past 16 months Dave listened to all 288 podcasts through 2010 and pulled off some of the pithy statements that seemed the most thought-provoking and helpful to people on a relational journey. He was traveling through the area and dropped in on the podcast, which gave Brad and Wayne a chance to get to know Dave better--allowing them not only to reflect on the history of the God Journey, but also Dave's own spiritual journey learning to live outside the box. Like most journeys it includes some pain and joy, and more recently a heart-attack that has helped him reshape his lifestyle. Dave and his wife Caryn reside in Montgomery, AL.

Podcast Links:
The Ongoing Challenges in Kenya


  1. A couple of memorable quotes from THIS podcast:

    “There’s no better way to present this message… we got to actually hear you guys living it… you could hear yourselves living loved.” ~ Dave (The Indexer) Edwards

    “See, I knew this (listening to these podcasts) could be hazardous to your health.” ~ Brad Cummings

    Great conversation guys, three times the laughter this week. Thanks for living loved within our hearing 🙂

  2. Oh gosh, that was so much fun to listen to! It’s these kinds of moments when ” The Family” gets together that life are the best. Wonderful , Vibrant , Real life…with people Brothers and Sisters that you just met, or ones you see every week. 🙂

  3. Thanks so much for this week’s podcast. Dave seems like a very interesting guy. Where can we get the quotes and things he is compiling? I am one of those guys who has listened to every podcast and know what an undertaking this is. Thanks guys for being real and living loved in front of us every week. I left full-time ministry and organized religion two years ago and it has been a very interesting ride. I have gone through a lot in the past couple of years and loneliness is just apart of the journey. It is still good to know that I am not crazy and there are people who are experiencing what I am experiencing.

    Bless you guys!!!


  4. Daryl,

    It is only a data base at this point. It will take some working through and weeding out before we are able to put a book like that together. But we’re excited to get to it…


  5. I really want to read the quotations. I listened to this podcast 3 times today. Thanks.

  6. hugs all around, guys! this was great. thanks to Dave for his gift of love.

    ps. i’ll be happy to help you work through and weed to get this together into a book.

  7. Thanks for all the great comments. It took a long time to finish, but it was fun and very rewarding to do.
    See ya!

  8. I thought one very special point that came out in this podcast is the role that other people play in talking through the Journey. It isn’t just Wayne and Brad, but all the emails they read about all sorts of people who very humbly admit that they don’t have it all together, that they are lost and broken and without answers and having a hard time finding God amidst the pain and loss of life. These lives are opened up through the podcasts and there are many times where I have listened and thought, “Jesus, you knew I needed to hear that, didn’t you?” And the guests that have come on the podcasts, or the interviews that Wayne has recorded in his travels all over the world. So many perspectives and differences but one God evident through them all.

    Truly, Wayne and Brad are just the conduits through which all of us get to share a very rich— painful, beautiful, awful, joyous– Journey.

    Keep slingin’ that freedom, boys, as God leads.

  9. Instead of a book, how about tweeting them on Twitter? Now THAT would be COOL!!! ; )

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