Embracing Freedom | The God Journey Embracing Freedom | The God Journey

Embracing Freedom

Wayne introduces Brad to Derek Wilder, a friend of his from Indianapolis, Indiana. Derek is the CEO of a home building company but also carries a passion to help people grow in grace and recently published a book entitled Freedom: How Grace Transforms Your Life Now. Wayne interviewed Derek during a recent video about his passion to help people grow in the freedom of living in the reality of God's grace and free from the needs of earning others approval, of caring about other people's opinions, and of trying to fix others, among others. By finding our identity in Christ we no longer have to look to satisfy the misguided yearnings of our flesh to find our well-being in those places that cannot offer it.

Podcast Links:
Derek Wilder's Website: Lives Transforming
Video of Wayne's Shack Night presentation
Orphanage Relocation in Kenya


  1. What encouragement! It seems that a huge attribute Father has is patience. As I am growing in maturity, growing in living loved (as opposed to living defensively) I have this need to have the message repeated and repeated. I do understand that this is for “a season” and I have hope that greater freedom will come. As the scaffolding slowly comes down and more and more I find life in Father…perhaps the things I am learning will someday be of help to others along this way. Thanks Brad and Wayne (and Derek). Blessings

  2. Love is not needy. And it goes to work on us to free us of all neediness. It’s become one of those helpful barometers for myself. If my emotions, feelings, desires or actions have become needy I’m learning to recognize that I have stepped outside of love.

    Absolutely loved the dialog with Derek

  3. Loved this podcast!
    Could someone fill in a ‘blank’ for me. It was to do with word/phrase Derek & Wayne said at the same time – “religion seeks to ??? and psychology wants us to feel good about ourselves.” Thanks

  4. Great interview. Would like to have the book from Derek soon in a German bookshop.
    To live a free life in God i must get rid of some religious lies in my mind…

    Greetings from the country of Spaetzle and Sauerkraut…

  5. I’ve known Derek for almost 2 years now. I think the best thing I could say about him and many other people Father has lead me to in life, is they all stear away from “how to” and open the veil a little more to see what “freedom” in love can do.

    Much like many of the books discussed on the podcasts here, the real joy for me has been the discussions that emerge with others after reading them.

    Still learning….


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