Connecting to People Around Us | The God Journey Connecting to People Around Us | The God Journey

Connecting to People Around Us

Brad and Wayne continue with Part 2 of the podcast they recorded at the recent retreat in White Bluff, TN. They continue the theme of connecting to other brothers and sisters and then it expands to talk about engaging people around us whether they are believers or not. What is the value of small talk? What can people who feel relationally challenged do to become more comfortable engaging people in the real world? They finish of with a discussion about insiders and outsides, and how that overlay destroys relationship. The blog Wayne refers to can be found here.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us. It was the Jake book that really gave us confirmation and now we are following “The God Journey”. A couple of years ago we just hit a brick wall with religion and straight up told God we were angry and wanted to know who he really was. He started showing us things that just flew in the face of everything we have ever known and some of it we were even rejecting as our own crazy ideas, because after all. today’s church would call it blasphemy. We were struggling and feeling very alone. Then Father gave me the Jake book. Wow!

    Thanks again,
    Tina Watson in small town Missouri

  2. I hope that you two Californians invading Tennessee doesn’t have anything to do with all that rain falling. If you guys come to Va Bch., we are likely to have a hurricane. ;o) Seriously, I enjoyed the Podcast. Some of the questions that were asked were some that I haven’t been able to articulate, but provided answers I needed to hear. Thanks again for the podcast.

  3. I listened to your last podcast and it reminded me that one of the turning points in my Christian walk was when I decide that sharing the gospel with strangers and controlling conversations was not right. However i still felt guilty if I didn’t do it, because that is what we were supposed to do so I found myself just not wanting to be around people and I started avoiding people and situations because I didn’t want the guilt for not sharing the gospel.

    Thank God he set me free from that way of thinking and now I can just enjoy people, and if God wants to butt into a conversation he is certainly welcome.

  4. Dear Wayne and Brad,
    Thanks so much for doing this podcast!
    It is really cool to get to hear the actual conversation with a group like this. I have never had that experience without an overbearing religious mindset on the whole thing.
    You guys have been so refreshing to listen to with the way that my dealings with the IC have gone in recent years.
    I guess in a way I am relieved and challenged by what I heard. I am an outwardly socially adept person but I have always had few close friends, not sure how normal I am in that way but it seems to me I am not good at building new relationships.
    I think maybe it still is mostly about me as you guys referred to in the podcast.
    I don’t set out to be that way it just seems like that is how I end up, focused mainly on me.
    I’m not feeling bound by religious obligation as I was a few years ago, but I find that I am a ver self centered person most of the time..
    Well I hope that is a step in the right direction, because at least God is showing me more and more just how focused on me I am and that allows me to do something about that.
    I really just wanted to say I am really thankful that you guys do this podcast and I think you guys are funny and refreshing.
    Thanks just for being who you are and letting all of us strangers in on it,

  5. Wayne and Brad,

    I just want to say “thank you” again for your God Journey podcasts. Each week, I find myself always looking forward to the next one, not only anticipating the refreshing entertainment of your laughter and wit, but also in the excitement of what you will be sharing about your journeys and everyone elses as they share in communication with you. I love the fact that there are always little facets of truth that we can all identify with and share as we live the adventure of this journey.
    Like Tina Watson, it was the Jake book, that really opened my heart to “getting it”. It was then that I could live in the awesome freedom of trust in an Abba Father.
    And these podcasts are another way that we can listen to one another and share about what it means for all of us to “lived loved and love others”. So, no matter where we are, His love always brings us together on some path of loving one another. Thank you for The God Journey…

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