Loving on Purpose: Parenting and So Much More #1 | The God Journey Loving on Purpose: Parenting and So Much More #1 | The God Journey

Loving on Purpose: Parenting and So Much More #1

In this special edition of The God Journey, Wayne and Brad are joined by Danny and Sheri Silk as they share about the challenges and joys of raising children in grace. Danny is author of Loving or Kids on Purpose and they talk about some of the specific questions sent in by many of our listeners about spanking, building a culture of honor and discipline choices in dealing with our children. Throughout the application of this framework of putting relationship above conformity also helps illumine our relationship with God and with others. You can find more of their resources at their website, Loving on Purpose and a website they refer to frequently, Love and Logic, which provides added resources for parents and teachers to raise responsible children.


  1. Just a funny definition of an Expert my husband likes to give. He’s a computer geek so people like to call him an expert. His response is always,

    an “X” is a has-been and a “spert”

    (pert) is a drip under pressure!!! Just thought you would enjoy that definition.

    Have a blessed day!

  2. I found the podcast to be refreshing and encouraging. I teach children for a living and even though they are children at this time in their lives, they are not just children but persons. I try to remember that God sees the entire lives of the children, so He knows them already as grandparents, even though right now they are kids.

    Developing an culture of honor and respect, to me, is the basis of genuine discipleship in Christ. I try as an adult to admit my mistakes when they are made in front of kids, or to ask their forgiveness if I speak too harshly, as sometimes I do to maintain control.

    Since I teach gymnastics to children, I try to teach them to fail safely as well. I have often told my parents that the kids need parental guidance in failure so they can see consequences for themselves. I do that with small tricks so they will realize the danger of their failing in big tricks, which makes them more careful when training the big tricks.

    I really enjoyed the podcast. I may buy the book, not for children, but just as a good guide in godly relationships with everyone. Thanks. I am looking forward to part 2.

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