Reading Scripture With New Eyes | The God Journey Reading Scripture With New Eyes | The God Journey

Reading Scripture With New Eyes

A request from a reader asking Brad and Wayne to help them read Scripture without the religious glasses that lead to distorting the simple story of God's love and redemption, spark a discussion about reading the Bible through the lens of Jesus Christ and embracing its value. Also they hear from a former pastor who finally arrived at the end of his rope, which turns out to be exactly the place where he could best see and embrace the work of God in his world.

The podcast is up, but we've had problems with our home page and will fix it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

One Comment

  1. I enjoyed the reminder at the end of your podcast about how when we live in God’s love, and are in his flow–then we are truly at peace. Reminds me of what an Indian Guru said (I know you won’t be offended:) “We are like sail boats. Our sails are our willingness to live within God’s love–and his love is like the wind. We can sail the sea of life effortlessly when we keep our sails up. We have a choice to allow the wind to propel us or not.”

    You guys are so good at reminding me to put out my sails to catch God’s love, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Oh, and I also get a lot of dishes done while listening–and time goes by so fast! Thanks:)

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