The Fragrance of Father
With a plethora of Christianity-related stories in the news, Brad and Wayne find themselves talking about Obama's Notre Dame speech on abortion, the evangelical support for torture and how God makes himself known in our culture. Why don't believers live more with the fragrance of Father as they engage the culture, rather than the smell of fear and control? Whenever we trade our passion for the revelation of Christ to fight for a principle, we'll lose our connection with the culture.
And if you'd like to help the brothers and sisters in Kenya, you can find out more at and links to donate at Wayne's Lifestream blog.
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Regarding the subject “keep control over the relationship with God”:
Have fun!
I was curious to see why this particular podcast didn’t seem all that popular on Facebook, so I dug through the archives to listen to it. Whoa! To hear Wayne say that he considers TGJ dialogue to be scaffolding that he hopes listeners will get along without in time: “If it helps you now know Him, great; if it’s your life 6 months from now, 3 years from now, you’ve ruined it. It wasn’t meant to be there forever,” was honestly disconcerting.
I’ve only been listening for about a month, plus downloading from the archives on topics I’m particularly interested in, & at this rate, I know I won’t be able to get to listen to all the episodes I want to within 5, 6 months. So part of me panicked upon hearing that, but now, thinking it through with Jesus, I recognize that it’s not about how long I continue subscribing to, or downloading from its archives, but that TGJ dialogue cannot be a substitute for the forever dialogue that Father Himself wants with me. It was a relief to have that clarification, because He has made me secure enough in His love that I don’t need to be hooked on TGJ to receive from Him & relate to other people as He leads me to, and yet, it was as if He was reminding me, “I led you to listen to these podcasts to *supplement* your relationship with Me; not to replace it. Let TGJ encourage you to greater dependence on ME, not on *it,* because without *it,* I can still do relationship with you, but without ME, you can do nothing.”