No Need For Actors | The God Journey No Need For Actors | The God Journey

No Need For Actors

Following up their "Is Christianity Collapsing", Brad and Wayne discuss an interesting column written by Tom Ehrich, an Episcopal priest, entitled Saying No to Sundays. It offers an honest and generous look at those who no longer find the Sunday morning ritual a part of their connection to the body of Christ. Then they read a letter from a God Journey listener from South Africa that gives a remarkable look a the process and fruit of the transformation that only God can accomplish. It demonstrates wonderfully how God so transforms us from the inside out that we no longer need to consciously try to be used by God, but simply live in the overflow of his love for us.

Also, for those interested, our fourth Archive Disc is now available, covering December 2007 through November 2008. The cost is $12.00 and you can order it here.


  1. i have been a listener about 1yr. thank you to the lady from s.africa. i have many scriptures that flood my mind when i listen to this pod. one is when jesus says that you speak of me with your mouth but your hearts are from me. the other is when the people told jesus that WE did this and that in your name and he said depart from me i never knew you and then turned to the other group and HE said you did this and that and they said when. they didn’t even know they where doing anything. enteresting, the ones that they think are doing so much as jesus put it are doing very little for the kingdom. also i had a southern bap. preacher tell me after god tol me not to start a conversation with him that paul’s whole ministry was to establish the organized church, and that the whole new test proved that. thank you for thee work that god has called you to. it is blessing me and my family more than you will ever know. if you are ever in florida we would like to have a barbeque with you.

  2. Wayne, I’m sorry I missed you in Indianapolis, you did get to meet my daughter Trisha, and I did get to talk to you on the phone, a pleasure. After I talked to Trish, I went to your website and listened to this podcast, it really spoke to me about somethings that had been on my heart. I’ve always been a doer, working on different projects in the church, thinking that I had personal relationship with Father because of all the ”things” I was doing ”for” Him. It wasn’t until I felt Father was calling me ”out” of the church, that I realized I didn’t really have a relationship with Him. Just before I left IC, I had started praying the He teach me what He wanted me to know, not what some other person wanted me to know, WOW what a prayer, my world has changed, I feel like I’ve been set free. Yesterday while I was mowing the yard, yes on Sunday, I was talking to Father about somethings and I felt like He put on my heart: when you want to have a relationship with someone, what do you do?, do you ask all the people you know about that person, do you read a book they have written, or do you just spend time with that person-talking to them, listening to them, asking questions of them? Reading the Bible is a start-it will point you in the direction, but you won’t honestly have a relationship until you spend time with Him. This website was the first one I went on after leaving IC, since then I have been on quite a few, my faith has been tested-which it needed to be-I’m now asking questions, testing things I hear. If Eve had only tested the spirit behind satan telling her that she wouldn’t die, she would know all things like God, things might have turned out different. But she just accepted what satan told her, instead going back to Father and asking Him what He had said. Thanks Wayne for this site and the podcasts, they mean a lot to me. Hopefully I’ll get to meet you in person some time.

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