The Adventure of Hearing Him
Trying to follow God through the opportunities and unfolding circumstances of our lives can be confusing. It can also be incredibly frustrating when you think you know what God wants you to do, but have no clear means as to fulfill it. Brad and Wayne talk about the adventure of learning to listen to God and our our visions and hopes mingle with the real, unfolding circumstances of our lives. Learning to follow him is a process and God uses so many pieces to make the way clear for us. He just doesn't want to tell us what to do, but wants to show us how he wants to bring it to fruition as well.
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Whoa…. I so enjoyed this podcast….It was so encouraging to be reminded about our individual uniqueness and the individual journeys Father walks us through……that swallowing the “red pill” can open us up to the process that can be confusing and difficult as God is more concerned with my transformation than me being comfortable. It’s good to be reminded that I can’t look to others for the answers and formula for success, but learn to trust the voice of God as muddle my way along. Yeah, I realize that what I got out of this podcast isn’t directly germain to what was discussed, but how wonderful that God uses you to open up the channel to speak to me. Thanks guys.
Thank you so much for this podcast….I was pulling my hair out attempting to control everything about my life ‘again’. Needed this…