The Performance Trap

Living inside the relationship we don't deserve and can't earn proves to be a challenge for many. We are so easily caught in the performance trap and it affects everything, from how we react to the news to how we treat others around us. Brad and Wayne sort through a host of listener emails that show people in various stages of the process and celebrate the incredible work God does inside a relationship to free us from the bondage of sin, and the bondage of religious performance.


  1. Wow! Living a a real relationship with God truly is a challenge when you’ve been so enundated with religion. It’s funny sometimes to catch myself just stopping in the middle of a thought or action, just because that’s the way I used to do it for “points!” It definately is a process, but I’m in for the long haul.

    One thing that is a huge obstacle for me right now is loving people. I am simply not a “people” person. That presents a problem for me because I feel guilty when I don’t want to mix in the conversations at work or visit with the neighbors across the fence, etc. And when I try to force myself to be more personable, I feel fake, then more guilt. Performance…yuk!

    But I know I don’t have to figure it all out. If I can just be me, I’m sure Father has a plan and it will unfold.

  2. Thank you I read your book So you don’t wasn to go to church anymore. I was inprired , and pushed to look at my personal relationship with God/. Thank you for a different perspective.

    Adolfo Colon

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