Sowing and Reaping? | The God Journey Sowing and Reaping? | The God Journey

Sowing and Reaping?

Wayne's back from the upper Midwest and shares some of his experiences with Brad and the joy of helping people who are just emerging from guilt and pressure of performance-based religion to contemplate the reality of grace and relationship. They tackle some listener email as well, discussing how Paul's teaching of sowing and reaping fits into their understanding of God's unfolding grace as he transforms our lives in the ups and downs of this present age.


  1. Hey guys, thanks for the podcasts! I had a question about motivation – why does it seem that Paul advised Timothy (1 Tim 5:20) to use fear of public rebuke / accountability as a method of shepherding the flock?
    “Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.”
    Is this the “godly sorrow that leads to repntance”?

  2. Wayne and Brad, here is my story. When I was living in a shelter and about to move into my first apartment in long time, I needed movers. So I called my pastor and told of my problem and due to the fact that I had to work that weekend and would be late for church what happened totally surprised me. You see when I arrived to church during the sermon and afterwards I learned that I had movers lined for next weekend. I was totally blown away, because I did not ask for help my brothers in Christ volunteered to help me. This is an example of sowing and reaping, because I sowed love to my brothers I reaped love in return.

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