Unsanctified Mercy?
Brad and Wayne are freshly back from the Book Exposition of America where an encounter got them thinking again and how the religious mindset sounds so arrogant and condescending to the world's ears. The wrestle with a term others are using called unsanctified mercy, which is extending mercy to people who don't deserve it. Well, isn't that the point—for all of us? Their discussion takes them through Matthew 9 and 10 and how Jesus viewed others in the world and how he called us to live among them in a way that opens their heart to our message of hpe and life!
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Well, I don’t know about everyone else but I have been experiencing this lately and I am filled with a reverential fear of the LORD. I just asked a Pastor friend earlier today about this, stating that if the LORD hadn’t brought this to my attention I would have never received it.
The LORD recently led us to a new town in a new state and yes, a new church. In this church many things were being revealed to me, things that I began to pray back to the LORD about. Then the Pastor had men coming in preaching who were clearly not of the LORD. One put on a power point message with pictures of expensive sports cars, fur coats, mansions, bling, bling and the lust for money. I was deeply troubled, as I new this was a seducing spirit. I sat there and began to weep. I so wanted to go and tap the Pastor on the shoulder and call him outside and ask him why he was doing nothing about this? I did nothing but cry and pray. This man watched me, I know that he was waiting for me to confront him and I wanted to but it was not my church. Would I be out of order? I was distraught to say the least!
The next day I talked to the Pastor and he said he knew he was off and laughed! That was it he just laughed it off. Well a couple of weeks go by and lo and behold here comes another man. He starts off by saying that this was the first time that the LORD sent him out with no money, as he was to trust the LORD. Supposedly he was a mighty man of God and in fact knew the Pastor. The first night he appeared to be on the money then the second night he proceeds to share how the LORD had awakened him at 5:00am and that he talked with the Pastor who agreed it must be from the LORD and that God wanted to bless everyone a 100 fold but we had to in faith sow a seed for a $100.00 and for all who did not believe him there was something on the back table for us to pick up on the way out. Almost the whole church went forward, I was shocked. Are people really this deceived I asked the LORD? I know that I heard the LORD telling me LOUD and clear to confront this evil spirit, this false prophet. Again I said LORD this is not my church, and I will be out of order. This is not his church either its God’s, do not fear man but He who holds the power of life and death in the palm of His hand. I left the church and picked up what was on the back table, it was a photo copy of a $100.00 bill with this mans face on it. All night long I prayed and interceded for this church and all of those who vowed to pay this man, and those who already came into agreement with satan. Again I went to the Pastor and told him and was asking him where his discernment was? Talk to my wife he said, she has discernment she too knew he was false! Well why didn’t she do or say something I asked? God is in control Sharlyn, don’t worry! I told him I was worried and I know that God is in control but I had probaly failed to obey Him twice and there was not going to be a third time!
I was then led to attend a different church and I walked in and sat down when I heard the LORD speaking about the altar. I looked up on the altar and there was a pulpit and nothing else but a picture of a man. The man whose church this was. Again the LORD had me in tears and praying repentance for idolatry. What the Lord has revealed to me through this hard experience was there are indeed false churches with the spirit of the antichrist and false prophets and that there are also carnal churches who have carnal Pastors who lack the spirit of discernment because they either are grieving the Holy Spirit or do not have the Holy Spirit. The LORD has revealed to me my weakness through king Saul who failed to obey the voice of the LORD because he had compassion on king Agag, so he spared his life. The Lord has taken me to 1 Kings 18 and through Elijah showed me how we are going to publicly confront these false prophets. My faith lies in the scripture verse which states His strength is perfected in weakness. I cannot fail Him! But I am desperate to understand how to confront this appropriately. I have never been through any of this before, it is easy to love them and feed them, this is a whole different ministry calling.
Looking forward to hearing from you, as iron sharpens iron, and I am looking for wise counsel regarding this.
Wow, God is greatly at work. I am blessed by this story. Yes, there will be false prophets among us. The truth always sets up free. His truth. I am moved by the revelation of truth God has given you for this opportunity . That is why I am studying God’s word. So that I will always know His truth in every matter. This is a beautiful thing God is showing you . Thank-you for sharing your heart and I see how faithful God is. Blessings from His heart.
I too know your story. You speak words I know. God wants us to know as He did in Elijah, ” we are not alone, God does have others out there like us. Why He places it upon ones heart and not other God loving people, is not for me to ask. He makes it very clear, and we know we must obey. Every bit of the Old Testament, speaks,of it.
Much heaviness comes with such a glorious blessing,a blessing God has entrusted to only a few. I too find comfort in your story and it confirms exactly with what He has revealed.
Please contact me, but please ask God for discernment.
We love an amazing Father, He is with us, with us always, and we Must keep our eyes on Him.
Much love and strength to you.