Seeing the Colors | The God Journey Seeing the Colors | The God Journey

Seeing the Colors

Listener interaction from their three most recent podcasts, give Wayne and Brad a chance to revisit those topics again and expand on their thoughts as well as add others to the mix. They hear again from the denominational official struggling with his place inside that structure and how important it is to follow God instead of what others think is best. They talk about living by God's work not our own efforts and how freedom from the religious box of 'us versus them' allows people to see the colors of God's glory as he reveals himself in a myriad of situations.

One Comment

  1. Hi Wayne and Brad!

    I’ve only recently been handed Wayne’s Transformation Seminar, and ate it all up over the course of about 2-3 nights! It all just sits so right with what I’ve been feeling in my heart, but have struggled to put into a cohesive whole as much of my foundation of thought was still stuck in a religious point of view.

    Since then (about 2 weeks ago) I’ve been revelling in your podcasts (I’ve started at numero uno – and have been slowly walking forward to get a comprehensive idea of where you’ve come from over the past few years – and I must say, I am thoroughly enjoying it!!

    I haven’t yet made the step to step away from the sunday event group I am currently involved in, but we have been feeling more and more like ‘we just don’t fit here’, but as I couldn’t see myself moving to another religious organisation in our area, we’ve kindof been ‘sticking it out’. Finally – the transformation seminar and your podcasts (I’m on #22..) have really shed some light and opened up my thinking to doing this walk differently.

    Thanks so very much! May God continue to bless and further what He is doing through you!!

    By the way – I live in South Africa, down in the Western Cape – I know you’re hoping to return here – I would love to meet up with you if you do!

    Much love in Him,


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