A Collaborative Life | The God Journey A Collaborative Life | The God Journey

A Collaborative Life

In this special podcast Paul Young, author of The Shack, joins Brad and Wayne for a far-ranging discussion about themes from the book and the journey they have shared together in putting this book together, making it available to the world, and now their work to adapt it into a feature-length film. In this podcast they focus on how it is God's nature to collaborate in all that he does and how our increasing freedom in him will allow us to share that same reality not only with him, but also with other brothers and sisters he asks us to walk alongside.


  1. Amazing conversation Gents……loved the thoughts, experiences, and candor of your “collaborative process!”

    grace and peace,


  2. I think that Jacobsen, Cummings and Young all need to listen to their own words here and see how the current lawsuit that is tarnishing the reputation of Christ and calling their own integrity into question lines up with the principles they are teaching here.

    According to Paul. These gentlemen are “totally defeated.”

    “The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already.”
    —1 Corinthians 6:7

    What the lawsuit demonstrates is that these gentelmen are really not in a place to be helping others sort out their relationships with God. Not if the lure of the world has brought them to the point where their own relationships with one another have a pricetag.

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