Walking With the I Am | The God Journey Walking With the I Am | The God Journey

Walking With the I Am

A letter from brothers and sisters in Kenya about the new violence that has broken out after a disputed presidential election start Brad and Wayne on a discussion about responding to needs and opportunities in front of us and not getting bogged down by the immensity of the need or our inability to fix the whole problem. This not only applies to how we respond to a need like Kenya, but how we live our lives on this journey and how God trains us to become those who can live with discerning ears to the voice of the Spirit.

Since we recorded this podcast we have found a way to get funds directly to the brothers and sisters in Kenya. If you would like to donate to help brothers and sisters and extend God's life to others through them in Kenya, you can find out more on my Lifestream blog.


  1. I listened to this twice as I’m integrating these truths into my life. These are the things I needed to hear:

    ~ “The enemy overwhelms me with big tasks I cannot do, but I get to do the thing that’s in front of me.”

    ~ “God, what’s next. What do You want me to do, and who doYou want me to do it with.”

    ~ “It’s about training, not being tested. Training and everyday life is where we practice.”

    It’s so true that in the church the only answer anyone has for difficult times is, “God is testing you.” Since I have an aversion to being tested and evaluated to see how I measure up to other people, this has never settled well with me :). I like that I’m practicing, training, just doing the next thing the best I know how, relaxing in the simplicity of it all, not stressing over the reality that I’m gonna make mistakes, just taking life and the mistakes and learning and moving on … to the next thing.

  2. In response to the things unfolding in Kenya here is an email I received from a friend.

    The following are excerpts of 2 emails from missionary Cheri Thompson who runs Challenge Farm(www.challenge-kenya.org), an orphanage in Katale:

    (Monday) “There is much unrest in Kenya after the election. Kibaki declared himself the winner. The election in Kenya for president had been rigged- lots of proof for that statement-people are rioting and causing lots of trouble. Things at the challenge farm are fine right now. The town of Kitale has some unrest but not as much as many other areas of Kenya where there is widespread rioting. Please pray for peace and calm in Kenya.”

    (Today) “I am very concerned for Grace Kiiru- my director- she went home to her home area for new years and to vote- She is a KIKUYU- that is te president’s tribe and hostilities are being directred at the Kikuyu- things are worse then they have ever been since independence-

    “It is becoming a tribal clash or cleansing- people are fighting and killing based on tribes- so I fear for Grace to be able to travel and even return to Challenge Farm in the near future-

    “I feel that people are feed up with corruption and even the defeated candidate- Odinga- is saing there is a price to pay for democracy and I don’t think he or his supporters are gong to be calmed by anyhting other than recounting of the ballots by an independent organization- democracy is really at stake here!!!!!!! This is serious and many innocent lives are being taken.

    “Things at the farm are quiet but no one is leaving and everyone is trying to stay out of harm’s way”

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