UN Christian? | The God Journey UN Christian? | The God Journey

UN Christian?

A new survey and book about it called UnChristian, reveals how young people today view Christianity, send Brad and Wayne on a conversation about the state of Christianity in the world and the unintended impact it is making on the world today. What does it mean to carry the label 'Christian' today, versus what it meant the first time it was used to designate the early believers? And in the face of that reality, how can we reflect the quality and character of Jesus to the people we intersect with every day?

One Comment

  1. This is a comment I sent in response to a group email that was warning parents about Philip Pullman’s books His Dark Materials series of which the new movie The Golden Compass is based on. The email was fairly alarmist.

    This is just my opinion, but as a Christian I found
    Pulman’s books very interesting. I have never heard
    anything the author has said, I have just read this
    particular series of books. I did know before I read
    them that the author was an atheist.

    I gathered from the story that Pulman has a problem
    with “religion” more than with God himself. He makes
    the “church” the bad guys. He plays around with ideas
    of creation and demons and angels and witches. This is
    a fantasy book.

    What I found most fascinating though was that the
    themes of love and friendship and thinking of others
    first were what the story was about. It seemed
    amazing to me that someone who claims no belief in God
    can’t seem to get away from the very themes that God
    claims as His own.

    I really enjoyed the books, they are very creative and
    interesting and different. My faith was not
    threatened by them, though it did make me sad to think
    that the author has had such a negative experience
    with “church” that he made it the “enemy” in his

    I am not ready to let my children read these books yet
    and I don’t intend to let them see the movie. (My kids
    get nightmares easily.) But I did want to say that
    before you decide something is horrible maybe you
    should check it out first for yourself.

    Different people are affected by different things,
    different kids can handle diffent things also. As
    parents I believe it is important for us to know our
    children well enough to help them with decisions about
    what to read and watch and when they are ready for
    certain subjects or content.

    I am looking forward to viewing this movie, if at
    least for the effects. Movies are almost never as
    good as the books though. 🙂


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