Free Range Believers | The God Journey Free Range Believers | The God Journey

Free Range Believers

Wayne's recent trip to the East Coast and email responses to the recent podcast on freedom, lure him and Brad back into a discussion of freedom and the difference between the Old and New Covenants. Have we failed to appreciate what Jesus accomplished through his life and death that traded the old commands of performance, into the freedom to know the richness of his love and live in it?

One Comment

  1. Hello Free Range Believers!I love the way that sounds and the way it embraces those of us who have found ourselves outside the “traditional” church and living in the fields of freedom.  I am really new to your podcasts.  I happen to pick up “The Shack” book, not knowing what I was getting into and it has lead me on a renewed journey to KNOW HIM (Jesus) in a more intimate way!  I’ve listened to several of the broadcasts from the archives and I have to say I was especially blessed by the one on Depression that aired 10/27/08.  I have struggled with depression most of my life. I thought that I could conquer it with just prayer and serving Jesus.  However in recent years, through some very difficult circumstances, one of which was leaving the church we had attended for many years—-we left on mutual agreement with the pharisee/dictator pastor,  I found a psychologist who has brought me to a whole new level of faith. I needed to take medication (with much denial and protest on my part). I have found it true, that I needed to level the playing field inorder to process through my recovery. He is teaching me Jesus through modeling Jesus Nature in such a real and alive way.  He has introduced me to Jesus, my Big Brother who loves me unconditionally. I will probably always have a problem with depression, but I am learning that it doesn’t have to define who I am and I am learning to be real in the present, accepting that my past is just that, the past and the future is yet to come. My heart has been so refreshed by his coaching.  I really want you to know about him.  His name is Dr. Jim Henman, he is here in Modesto CA. He has a website: CairForYou.com where there is plenty of free information on depression, addictions, adult child issues and more.  I gave him a copy of the The Shack and he loves it! He told me he wants a commission, he’s already recommended it to several people and admits that he doesn’t usually do that! It expresses his heart in so many ways. He also has a book. “Who’s Really Driving Your Bus” and he has formed two support groups—one is CairingGrace the other is a CairGroup.  They are modeled after the AA concept with emphasis on the first two steps.  It’s a place that people are safe being real, even Christians!  He is often criticized by the church for his “outside” the box approach and from the professional side for sharing Jesus.  It’s a nice thing for him to know that he is not alone in this “free range” belief of having a relational intimacy with his Big Brother Jesus and Abba(Daddy).  Thank you for being a well of living water for so many of us out here free ranging!  Mari

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