Leadership and Community | The God Journey Leadership and Community | The God Journey

Leadership and Community

An early posting this week to accommodate our vacation schedule. The podcast studio is full this week. Joining Brad and Wayne in the studio are our friends from Family Room Media—Bob, Loren and Dave. They were in the area and stopped by for a free-ranging discussion about body life and how our distorted views of leadership can adversely impact how people experience the community of the Body of Christ. They've also just released parts 2 and 3 of their DVD documentary series, Church Without Walls. This single DVD takes a look at how our religious systems emerged in the third and fourth centuries ostensibly to protect the church from error, but in doing so did more to rob the community of its vitality.

One Comment

  1. I was introduced to your website by a young man who is diligently searching for some answers. He was very much turned on by the “Shack”. I am part of a group in Rapid City, South Dakota, we call New Life. It is a ‘home Church’ and have been a group for many years. It appears that we share a good many beliefs, especially about the ‘organized Church’. We are very familiar with Gene Edwards and his writings and have learned a lot about Church history from him.

    I will sample more of your web offerings although it seems to take a very long time to download the audio. If you can suggest a way to speed it up I would probably listen more.

    I will introduce myself briefly. I am a retired Prof. of Mech. Engr. but have also ‘led’ a home Church since about 1979. Through many trials and struggles we have become very close to God and each other.
    I am, basically, a teacher of the gospel and our meetings involve spirited discussions rather than lectures or sermons.

    I would be more than pleased to correspond further with you though, as yet, I have not heard enough of your beliefs to discern potential compatibility. From what I see of your web site I expect we have a lot in common.


    Dick Pendleton

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