Friends, and Friends of Friends | The God Journey Friends, and Friends of Friends | The God Journey

Friends, and Friends of Friends

Wayne and Brad discuss Wayne's recent trip to Ireland where a number of believers on this journey from all over the world gathered for a week of sharing life together. Without any programs, agendas or meetings they discovered how deep fellowship could go in simple picnics, barbecues and hanging out together over a week's time. They discovered how God is knitting together his family simply by networking friends and friends of friends. You'll also hear comments from others who were there including some of those whose stories we've previously shared on The God Journey, including Lynette Woods (New Zealand), Jack Gerry (Maine, US), Stephan Vosloo (South Africa), Kevin Smith (Australia), David Fredrickson (California, US), and David Rice (Ireland). That last link tells the story of the community from Dublin who hosted this festival. You might want to go back and listen to some of their stories again and how God is inviting people all over the world into the freedom and reality of life in him!

One Comment

  1. Just amazing! (in german: “Einfach erstaunlich“)

    It’s too bad that it is not possible to translate this podcast! 😉

    What is written in the Jake book, does exist really! Stories of people, who experience this life and also live it. It touched my heart and raises all the more the desire to continue the journey and to live in the relationships, father provides for me!

    I long for this life … that the life will happen in me und around me … that this life overflows and reaches others hearts … and that Christ is visible through the relationships!


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