Meet The Author of THE SHACK | The God Journey Meet The Author of THE SHACK | The God Journey

Meet The Author of THE SHACK

Brad and Wayne introduce The God Journey audience to William 'Paul' Young, the author of The Shack. Don't worry. There are no plot spoilers here, so it's safe to listen if you haven't read the book. They explore Paul's unique spiritual journey, beginning among a technologically stone-aged tribal people in what is now West Papua and progressed through professional ministry to the life he lives today. You'll find out what inspired him to write The Shack, and more about the process that involved Brad and Wayne in getting it into print.


  1. Wow! I was so amazed and moved by the authenticity, humility, and honesty of Paul’s sharing about the process that became “The Shack”. It speaks so clearly to me of what it looks like when Father’s grace breaks through the painful reality of our lives, and brings healing and freedom. It’s so beautiful. Thanks Paul for sharing your journey through “The Shack”. I can’t wait to read it! This podcast was outstanding!

  2. I just read The Shack, what a blessing in my life. After listening to this pod cast I would like to know more of Paul’s life journey. Will he write a book concerning it. Blessing, Mollie

  3. I listened to the interview (suggested by my fellow Goodreads readers). There’s an interesting discussion on “The Shack” on Goodreads if anyone is interested in reading the comments there as well. I believe in the author’s convictions and his philosophy of life and enjoyed hearing him answer Brad’s and Wayne’s questions. I do hope that he writes a book about his life. He shares similar experiences with my mother in that her childhood was taken all too soon. The abuse, etc. is a great catalyst for a book and its something positive that comes out of something so horrendous. After reading “The Shack” I know that his personal experiences will make an incredibly creative read – even if it is just for his children. Good Luck Willy, Paul, William P. Young! May your spiritual garden always be pruned and ready for growing.

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