Don’t Forget to Play | The God Journey Don’t Forget to Play | The God Journey

Don’t Forget to Play

Can we become so intense about our spiritual walk that we actually miss what Father is doing in our lives? Brad and Wayne examine that question in light of Jesus' repeated warnings to his potential followers that unless they could receive his kingdom as a little child, they would not be able to enter in to its reality. How can we become more childlike in our relationship with God and capture the playfulness that seems to be so important to the experience of our life in him?

One Comment

  1. I’ve just listened to this (a long dog walk in pouring rain) – more confirmation of what God is doing in us and for us.
    Did you know that in UK school there is Government initiative programme in place called “Every child matters”? Maybe the Institution-that-call-themselves-church need to take this ‘mantra’ on board – and then reword it as ‘every child of God matters’ too.
    As for finding fun in Father. Picture this (or maybe you’d rather not).
    A phone call at 9.30pm, from a still-in-the-box friend who thinks we’re walking away from Father’s will,
    ‘My husband is walking home from work, and the children are asleep’
    ‘Don’t worry’ says Ruth (aka Azizam) ‘we’ll get him.’ (I’m there too. We’re doing girly God-stuff’). Before we have time to think we’re in the car, driving hell-for-leather to … ????
    Darn, we forgot to ask where he was walking from and which route he might be taking.
    I suddenly had a hysterical vision of us both in sparkly tights and body suits a la Wonderwoman – except that we are both in our 50s and not as slender as we might be.
    Super God-people to the rescue! To Broadstone and beyond….
    And that was a week after I had had a wonderful picture of walking with Dad, giggling and just doing fun things together.
    Thanks for the podcasts. They are great.

    Judy (UK)

    PS We did find the missing husband, rising out of the dark depths of an underpass, like he was on a lift.

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