Where Is the Power? | The God Journey Where Is the Power? | The God Journey

Where Is the Power?

This question came up in the Forum and it is one that Brad and Wayne have struggled with throughout their own journeys. Clearly, the life of God is not just a matter of words and principles; it is a kingdom of power where people are healed, broken hearts mended, and captive people delivered. Where is that power today? How are we seeing the body of Christ experience that kind of power? And if we're not seeing it in our own lives, what might we do about that?


  1. I just listened to Where’s the Power? I am feeling more free than I have for a long time. We have altar ministry at our church every week. I always go down for prayer. We have a healing room too where people can make an appointment. I just have so many questions. I know those at my church love God and mean well, but well..I had to have my knees replaced 4 years ago at just 48 years of age. For a couple of years before that(the doctors wouldn’t do it at first because I was too young and the knees only last 10-15 years) I was going to some affiliate churches when there was a Renet meeting and we were all encouraged to go. It was also around the “end” of the renewal that had been going on at the Vinyard Airport. Several from our church and other churches we associate with had gone several times. Anyway , I must have gone 3-5 times to get my knees healed. And evey time the person would say-There’s your healing-now do something you haven’t been able to do. “I always went away with the same pain and I can’t tell you how low I felt as a christian. I was constantly asking myself what was wrong with me. I know God heals. I was told to confess it, believe it, do it and whatever. I went to counseling for the past two years because I just couldn’t “get there” and I really lost out on my relationship with God. In June I stopped going to counseling, which by the way was with a wonderful woman who always directed me to the word and she has a great , deep walk with God. I know her personally and she has relationship with God. Anyway, a few weeks ago , I was feeling so discouraged and I really felt tormented. I couldn’t sleep. I had been crying out to God. I was trying to pray for someone and when I closed my eyes, I had a vision of walking up to them for prayer and pulling out a gun!!! I asked God what does this mean and somehow even in my despair He gave me the scripture that to hate is the same as murder. He said you hate this woman and need to forgive her. I had no idea. I knew I didn’t like her, but not hate! He also spoke to me to say I hated those who prayed for my knees to be healed because they weren’t. I asked his forgiveness and forgave them. I really was not tormented after that and I thank God that even in my muck and sin he got through to me. But I also feel as though there is more because I just don’t have peace. After listening to your message tonight, I started crying because I had never had “permission” (not from the church per say, but from teachings) to not feel like I am a failure if I am not praying for everyone and such. We have people go up every week and get prayer for an operation or other things and they are told that they are healed and they come limping in next week. I just feel like it said in your book that we’re all acting like the emporer and his new clothes. I have seen God do some wonderful, miraculous things, but I believe our focus for years has been on the gifts and not the relationship even though that is talked about. Anyway, I don’t even know how I found the site that linked me to yours(truthforfree) but I think with all my heart it was God leading me because I have been crying out for about 6 months to him that I don’t know what real christianity lools like anymore and I think he’s showing me. Thanks Wayne for answering an email I sent you a week or so ago. I really didn’t expect an answer. Thanks guys.

  2. Hi Sally: Just read your response. I am unable to listen to the broadcast but I did read thier Book “He loves Me. That is why I went on the website. I can sure feel your heart in your email and am thankful you got an answer to your hearts cry for understanding. Just wanted to leave a reply and tell you I was touched by your comments.
    Because of Him,

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