The Quest for Significance | The God Journey The Quest for Significance | The God Journey

The Quest for Significance

Paul Young of Gresham, Oregon joins Brad and Wayne for a discussion on the drive for significance that twists and distorts our journey. By appealing to our deep sense of shame and manipulating our desire to do something great for God, this unquenchable thirst takes our best intentions and uses them against us by drawing us deeper into religion and performance rather than the simple joy of being God's child. As we find our full acceptance in him we will then be free to live open-handedly in the world and be free to touch others without manipulating them.

Also, we've also combined our first year of podcasting into one CD of mp3 files that will lead you through our entire first season. We know some people would like to have it for their archive and others haven't yet figured out the whole podcasting technology. So now you can have our first 42 podcasts on a CD for $12.00, that will play on your computer mp3 player and even most DVD players. You can order it from Audio Page at Lifestream.

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