For Regular Listeners Only!
We hope you're enjoying The God Journey and that it is encouraging and informative for your life in him. Brad and I have taped a special 3-minute audio clip for regular listeners who might want to consider helping us financially with this expanding endeavor. Don't get nervous. Our podcast will always be available free of charge to anyone who wants to listen in and we know how critical that is with listeners joining us from eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and developing countries in Asia.
We are looking to open a dialog with those who feel led to help us in this way. We are not interested in people who would feel obligated to do so, or guilty if they didn't. Believe me, we have a ball doing this podcast. However, we are looking for those who would be excited to help sponsor this resource and who share our passion to encourage people in this marvelous journey. Click here to find out more how you might help and to hear our brief audio clip.
Now, please forgive us for this intrusion. Let's get back to The God Journey!