Koinonia Cultivators
Wayne and Brad follow-up last week's podcast on Koinonia Killers by responding to some of the comments and concerns that were sent in after the show. It gives them a chance to focus on those things that lead to deeper fellowship and greater life in him and how we can love those who we are not always drawn to easily. It's really about unlocking the treasure God has put in all of us and which sin and shame have twisted and distorted.
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I remember Wayne and a friend (Steve?) who came to speak to our group at a camp in Prescott, AZ a couple years ago and the friend he brought with him talked of “freeing” his teenagers. As the parent of a couple of tweens and a teen, I am searching for what that looks like. How can we free our kids to be who God wants them to be outside of Sunday school and youth group? Our kids have been involved in every aspect of our body life and I’m sure they’re catching a lot, but the faithless, nervous parent in me worries that I’m not doing my duty to them if I’m not seeking ways to help them along. We are currently involved in a military chapel (talk about Organized religion!) and the kids have begun involvment in the youth program. I don’t like the programatic aspect of it all, but believe my kids know where body life is found. I’d love to hear a Podcast about where the youngsters fit in out of the box.
Dave from Iceland, formerly of Las Vegas
Hi Wayne and Brad,
First, let me chime in and tell you how much I have been enjoying the podcasts! Finally got caught up, and as my techno-savvy increases I have even figured out how to burn onto CD to share pertinent topics.
I was struck by a comment Brad made right at the end of the Koinonia Cultivators segment, about how “busyness” prevents us from being available. It echoed a blurb I read in the current Discipleship Journal (quoting an article in Christian Century):
“Busyness convinces us that there is always something else we need to be doing. Busyness exhausts, embitters, divides, and demoralizes the people of God. If we have not exposed this imposter virtue for what it is, then the reason is because so many of our congregational practices depend on it.”
This is something we have been hearing from God about lately, as we have been stepping away from the activities of our fellowship which is becoming increasingly institutionalized (according to the agenda of some koinonia killers in particular).
I feel God has been showing us that our ministry is first with the family (6 kids at home), and the busyness of church life was becoming divisive for us. So I hear and read these two quotes on the same day… I’m listening!
Hi Andy,
Have a look at the podcast What Becomes of Leadership? sent in July!