‘Out of the Church’ Christians? | The God Journey ‘Out of the Church’ Christians? | The God Journey

‘Out of the Church’ Christians?

A recent letter by New Zealander Andrew Strom has caused a bit of a stir by many who are thinking outside the box of organized religion. He addresses what he calls out-of-the-church Christians, which we think is a bit of an oxymoron. How can a Christian be outside the church? His observations and accusations provide a springboard to discuss life outside the box and give us each an opportunity to reflect on our own personal journey and how it is sorting out in our lives. Wayne and Brad examine this letter along with many who added their comments to our earlier blog.

One Comment

  1. Thank you Wayne and Brad for all the podcasts.

    Your thoughts and discussions are very helpful for us (my wife and me). Sometimes it is hard for us to follow the discussions, because we are not native speakers.

    The last podcast about the “Out of the Church” Christians encouraged me to seek the presence of the lord.

    Did you ever travelled to Germany 😉 (or planned to)?

    cu, Guido

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