The Things God Uses
Let us introduce you to Tom Mohn, a brother whose been on this journey a long time. Wayne met him five years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma and has enjoyed a growing friendship with him since. The last time he was there he interviewed Tom who shared four things that God used in Tom's life to shape his life in him. You'll be surprised at some of them. If you'd like to contact Tom he can be reached at tmohn
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Wonderful stuff from this brother Tom, albeit not necessarily what one would consider “wonderful” as a good thing. Being brought to the end of oneself is not pleasant but it is wonderful seeing the Lord in the process. Not speaking here as one who thinks he has “arrived” but as one who the Lord continues to bring to the ends of himself.
Brad and Wayne… I am so enjoying the webcasts and have been enjoying sharing the messages with others. I’m glad that you went the route of the internet with The God Journey rather than the radio broadcasting just in your own area. Blessings to you both as you continue in this.
We boast in Him!
I received this email the other day from Luke and thought it should be shared here:
I was so happy to hear this webcast last Thursday, I meant to post a comment then, but I was in the thick of final exams at school and had to get back to studying. Anyway, as I was saying, I was so happy to hear this stuff, those four elements that Tom spoke about have been things that I have been through just in the past year. (Though I had never quite nailed down such descriptions that really struck to the heart of those experiences of mine.)
In September of 2004 I experienced an intimate betrayal by way of a separation from a dear friend of mine. All in a matter of a few hours it was revealed to me (in an almost blinding burst of light, though instead of blinding me it did quite the opposite) that: 1. I had been part of heresy among a couple friends (even though it was only microscopic in comparison with the movements you spoke of), one of these friends being she who had betrayed me, (and I soon after came to see that perhaps she was just running from the heresy, and the person I had been when embracing it). and 2. I also in that short time discovered one immense failure (amongst many others) of mine to do with me terribly judging another dear friend (who I caught up in this heresy also) and about how I had betrayed him because of the beliefs I held at that time…
In my experience I found that the 3 last elements that Tom mentioned were all weaved together, (and I’ve barely described the many connections those 3, and also the first one have had with each other, it’s truly beautiful how it has all happened) and it was amazing how the Lord had prepared me for that moment when they were all revealed to me. I could have tried to take control and solve the problems (ya right!), but I decided to just let it all go then, and the Lord held me up (what a beautiful feeling) and even renewed my friendship with the guy I had betrayed (this also happening in the hours after all these painful revelations). It was one life changing day, and since then my life has been so different, but the Lord has continued to guide me further along, showing me how he works, and I’ve followed him and I’ve strayed, and I am so thankful for those experiences I had, and I’m so thankful that the Lord helps me along.
Anyway, this ended up rather long, but I thought I’d just share my experiences in relation to the webcast because it just so happened that the
Lord has used the same four elements with me, as He did with Tom. I also find it interesting how all of this has happened so rapidly to me, but then, I’m only 20 years old. It’s kind of a reminder that the Lord works not by the confines of our ways and beliefs, but by His beautiful way alone. Thanks for sharing guys! and thanks for your time.
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Hooray, success! Oh, no, failure; then heresy revealed; and finally, the ultimate betrayal. You’ve just described what we went through 6 years ago. Might we add that it doesn’t just happen once, but it seems to be cyclical. We just went through it again, 5 months ago. Just when we started getting a “measure of success” at our church, the Lord lead us to step away again. After we left, we had an epiphany that the church was heading toward the “we’re on the cutting edge” movement. It still hurt because we didn’t see it coming, but this time we weren’t devastated because we understood what was happening. So we said, “Thanks for the pruning, Lord, we needed that.”
Otto, and Hanna,
I hear you. I’m on my third huge betrayal now by a close friend and brother. The good news is that while painful, they aren’t so devastating when you’ve had a bit of practice…
I’m looking forward to taking part in what I know will be an exciting and challenging journey. Please let us never forget that he is our focus – Jesus! Our friend as well as the Son of the Most High! I am now free to deepen my relationship with him. I love that verse where it says that he opened their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures. May my mind and heart be open to him to receive all he wants to give me in order to make me more like him.
Hi, Wayne,
I am currently going through my own failure. I have been unemployed for over 3 years with no end in sight, I am currently residing in a transitional housing situation that is extremely religious to the point of speaking in “tongues”. Currently I am back in school pursuing my Associates degree in Paralegal Studies and looking for work at the same time. It is so hard staying where I am living due to the fact that I have been listening to you and Brad about living in relationship with God and living loved. I pray God will lead to somewhere else that will free me from this environment.Thank you so much and I cannot wait to get my own laptop so I may listen to you and Brad again, you guys are so helpful on this journey with Jesus.